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The ever-changing martech landscape and horizontal innovation

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The ever-changing martech landscape and horizontal innovation


From the latest thinking on the martech landscape and the rise of brands looking to innovate horizontally to the changing face of retail and the real impact of 5G, the Digital Shift webinar from Econsultancy covers all the hottest topics in digital marketing.

With technology platforms playing an increasingly scaled and central role in marketing capability, catch up on the latest research into how the martech landscape is evolving and find out how marketers can make smart decisions about technology integration.

Meanwhile, with the horizontal expansion of so-called digital ‘unicorns’ is becoming a trend – think Airbnb moving into owned luxury apartments and Tesla getting into insurance – Econsultancy asks what might be next?

The arrival of 5G is another hot topic. Marketers need to think about what the implications will likely be for marketing, commerce and content. Will it change everything or just be a faster version of what we already have?

Lastly, with yet more big developments in retail this quarter, Econsultancy considers the latest need-to-know trends in commerce including influencers as retailers, AI prediction, ecommerce media and a big move into commerce from Google.

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