Location-based ad fraud and career breaks – Marketing Week
Radical Simplicity
By Ken Allen
If you’re looking to succeed in any business, you should probably take a deep dive into Ken Allen’s business memoir, Radical Simplicity. Allen, the former CEO of deliver company DHL, shares his personal story of his journey to the top, and the strategies and skills that helped him get there.
His book focuses on offering practical advice while revealing a collection of simple lessons individuals need to learn in order to succeed at both work and in life, whether you’re a stalwart or just starting out in your career.
Should you accept a lower level job after a career break?
By Carol Fishman Cohen
“It’s a dilemma in the career re-entry world: What level is the right level to return to after a career break?”
This is a quandary many people, including marketers, will encounter at some stage during their working life. It’s easy for some to sell themselves short but other returners might be after a higher-level role than before their break.
It’s hard to strike a balance and determine what’s right, but here Cohen outlines a few tips and tricks that returners should consider before applying for new roles – including taking on a “returnship program”.
Should you accept a lower-level job after a carer break?
Six ways marketers can fight location-based ad fraud
By Patricio Robles
There’s no doubt location-based ad fraud is a problem, in fact, marketers are spending billions of dollars on ads that don’t have the characteristics they’re paying for, according to a new blog post from Econsultancy. Writer Patricio Robles discusses why location-based ad fraud will become a bigger problem unless marketers address it immediately.
But don’t fear, there’s plenty marketers can do. Robles lists six ways they can fight poor location data in the digital ecosystem.
Six ways marketers can fight location-based ad fraud
Diversity is more than just gender
By Marco Bertozzi
The conversation around diversity is quite often focused on gender, at least, that’s how Marco Bertozzi sees it. In a recent blog post, he explains why diversity is more than that, as well as why it’s essential we ask ourselves the difficult questions about what we all stand for and whether we want to drive change.
Bertozzi lists a number of scenarios that will help spark change, before suggesting that leaders are failing to bring young diverse talent in early.
He writes: “This is not a rant, it is not a preach, it is a gentle call to arms.”
Diversity is more than just gender