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Elvira Gavrilova held a masterclass on the personal brand in Lisbon



Elvira Gavrilova held a masterclass on the personal brand in Lisbon

On Friday, September 18, in the cozy TREESTORY restaurant in the city of Lisbon, business lady Elvira Gavrilova held a master class on the topic of the personal brand.


Elvira Gavrilova is a producer, line producer, co-owner and CEO in Europe of the Amillidius international marketing company, owner and chief editor of the Fostylen gloss (formerly Financoff), owner of the NANOJY women’s clothing brand, founder of the “Pride and Beauty of Ukraine” national award, and dozens of other successful projects…


At her seminar, Elvira talked about what a personal brand is, who needs it and what for, gave illustrative examples, and asked participants to try on some roles for themselves. The audience was exclusively female, since recently, to all the numerous Elvira Gavrilova’s projects, one more – a women’s business club was added.

“Everyone who makes money needs a brand. A designer, a marketer, a top manager, a private doctor, a lawyer, and so on, and so on, and so on. Not to mention companies. Legendary American marketer Jack Trout put it very succinctly on this topic: “Stand out or die!” What does it mean? It means that if you want to make money, you need to stand out from the crowd of competitors. It is absolutely necessary for everyone who wants to increase their profits,” Elvira Gavrilova says.


Elvira Gavrilova and her Amillidius marketing company conduct similar masterclasses to improve the qualifications of businessmen, to interest the younger generation in success, to increase the income level of already established businesses, as well as to exchange experience.


Elvira Gavrilova promises to hold such masterclasses every week. We, as before, observe Elvira’s activities with interest and admire her energy and resourcefulness. Follow the announcements on social networks!

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