Amileader: Personal Brand for Personal Happiness, or How to Become the Woman of Dreams
Today women are actively involved in social activities — they build a career, do business, and go into politics. They are independent, however, it is becoming more and more difficult for a woman to arrange a personal life in our time. Professional activity and everyday life do not leave time for personal life. Competition is growing — more and more young, beautiful, energetic people appear around. What to oppose them, how to stand out from the crowd? The creators of the Amileader system know the answer to this question.
Someone is trying to stand out by improving their appearance — with the help of plastic surgeons, fitness trainers, stylists. But a flawless figure and a stylish image are not enough — after all, everyone else does the same. It seems that women are vying with each other for the attention of men. How not to get involved in this competition, but, on the contrary, to make the men themselves look for your company and dream of meeting? Such a result is achieved by those who were able to stand out in society, arouse interest in their personality, declare their achievements and who created a personal brand. If you have a strong personal brand, external data fades into the background — men are much more attracted to the fame and recognition of society. Men appreciate such women, and are proud of the relationship with them. And the Amileader system will help you become such a woman.
Amileader system: Google is your ally!
The most effective way to achieve this and arrange your personal life is to create a personal brand. That is, to form an information field on the Internet that will present you in a favorable light, describe your achievements, talents, and show significant life events. It seems to many that they will attract interest to themselves if they appear on the cover of a magazine or walk the red carpet at a famous festival. But in a couple of months no one will remember the magazine, and the red carpet catwalk will be forgotten even faster. These events are important, but they will have no effect if the main thing is not done.
So what needs to be done? Amileader takes into account that today anyone who is interested in you and wants to know more about you will first go to the Internet and ask Google a question. If he does not see anything there, interest will most likely fade away. But if, by typing your name and surname in the search box, a man sees that all 10 links on the first page of Google are about you, sees news, an article on Wikipedia, your site, such fame will impress and intrigue him even before he will start reading the publications. In his eyes, your personal brand will immediately elevate you above the crowd.
This is the basis for further promotion of your personal brand. The appearance on the cover of a well-known gloss, the red carpet of the festival and any other significant event will be excellent news leads for new articles. And then information about these events in your life will remain not only in your memory — it will remain on the Internet forever. People will be able to see and read the articles today, and in a year, and in many years, anywhere in the world.
Having such a foundation for creating a personal brand, you can regularly supplement it with new publications, about events with your participation, meetings, etc. You can insert videos into publications — interviews with you or videos from various events. Your own site, on which new publications will periodically appear, will also become a tool for promoting your personal brand. However, it is precisely 10 articles that will become the base that will create your image on the Internet, favorably distinguishing you from the background of all the others.
To whom personal brand brought family happiness — examples from all over the world
How a personal brand works and how it helps to arrange a personal life is easy to see with examples. One of the most impressive is Queen Letizia of Spain. An ordinary journalist, not an aristocrat, moreover, divorced, aroused the interest of Prince Philip, and eventually married him. In the eyes of the future king, her reputation and position in society favorably distinguished her from other women. Her fellow journalists regularly wrote about Letitia Ortiz — her name often appeared in the Internet media.

After becoming queen, she continues to develop her personal brand. If you google her name or search for “Letitia Queen of Spain”, you will see many articles about the events of her life, outings, charity events and all kinds of public events.
Supermodel Natalia Vodianova belongs to the number of women who have a developed personal brand that helped establish their personal lives. She recently formalized her nine-year relationship with billionaire and heir to the fashion empire, Antoine Arnault. There are many successful models in the world, but not all of them arouse such heightened interest in society. The thing is that Natalia has always paid a lot of attention to her public image. The number of articles on the Internet about Vodianova that Google will show you is huge — this information field has always attracted not only employers, but also outstanding men to her.

Leaving the modeling business in 2008, she periodically returns to the catwalk in various shows, starred in fashion photo shoots and becomes the face of advertising campaigns for famous brands. These numerous news feeds become the basis for regular publications on the Internet — Natalia Vodianova continues to develop her personal brand, which means she continues to remain an interesting person for society and her husband.
Another prime example is Meghan Markle. The future Duchess of Sussex began to develop her personal brand long before she met the British Prince Harry. Barely becoming visible as an actress, she herself called the paparazzi, telling where and when she would appear, so that she could be photographed and published on the Internet. Articles in the Internet media fueled interest in the actress more than her film roles. The result of promoting Meghan Markle’s personal brand was a marriage proposal from a representative of the royal family. Now Megan is developing her personal brand with renewed vigor — publications on the Internet about her appear almost every day.

Personal brand by Amileader — a team of specialists will create your ideal image
These few examples demonstrate the aerobatics of personal branding. For those who are just starting to create a personal brand, at the first stage, 10 basic articles on the Internet on various resources will be enough. These publications will form the top of the Google search engine results when your name and surname are requested. Anyone who takes an interest in you and turns to the Internet for information, in a few clicks will get an idea of you as a woman with outstanding personal and professional qualities, a person who stands out from the crowd.
Advertising company “Amillidius” has been specializing in the creation and promotion of personal brands for more than 10 years. The Amillidius team has the most modern marketing tools and its own development — the Amileader system. The cost of creating a personal brand based on 10 publications in the Internet media starts from 2-2.5 thousand dollars. How is this price formed? It includes:
- identifying and marketing analysis of directions and niches to represent your personal brand;
- preparation of terms of reference for writing articles for copywriters and journalists by marketers and SEO specialists;
- writing articles by journalists and copywriters;
- shooting and processing of photos necessary for the design of publications by photographers and designers;
- filming and editing video (if necessary);
- work of SEO specialists in SEO-optimization and SEO-promotion of articles;
- selection and approval of suitable Internet resources (price-rating combination);
- prices for posting articles on selected Internet sites.
The effect will not be long in coming. The interest and attention to you from society, and most importantly, from the best representatives of its male half, will increase many times over. You will be perceived as an extraordinary person even before they meet, and, at the first meeting, your “pumped-up” personal brand will become an excellent recommendation, instantly raising your status and elevating you above women who do not have it.
Where to begin? Amileader is the ability to stand out from the crowd
You do not know where to start, what image to create for yourself on the Internet? The Amileader also has a preparatory stage. Amillidius specialists will offer you options and help you decide. You can create, for example, the image of a journalist, presenter, model and even a fashion designer. To develop a personal brand of a journalist, articles with your authorship will be published in several magazines with which we cooperate. For the image of the presenter, it is possible to organize the filming of several interviews, which you will take from famous personalities. To create a personal brand of a model, we will agree with our partners about your participation in shows at various Fashion Weeks. For a photo model, we organize participation in several photo sessions and photos in glossy magazines. To promote a designer’s personal brand, you can create a pilot collection of clothes in collaboration with fashion-clients “Amillidius”, and much more. In the future, of course, the occupation can be changed, for example, rebranding the personal brand, as many famous personalities periodically do.
For those who want not to stop at what has been achieved and reach a higher level, Amileader provides for the placement of articles on Internet resources that are among the leaders in the ratings. In addition, articles can be published in different languages, expanding the audience that learns about you. This will increase the chances for a personal life: European and American men primarily value independence and a desire for success in women — your strong personal brand will attract them more than any experiments with image and plasticity.
The more authoritative the online publication, the more weight your personal brand will have. Publications on sites included in the tops will certainly cost more. You can achieve the best effect by including the most prestigious world Internet media such as Forbes, Vogue and others in your information field. The check for posting publications in elite Internet media will grow significantly, for example, an article in Forbes Monaco will cost 7-10 thousand euros, in Forbes Brazil — 15 thousand dollars, in Forbes USA — already 60 thousand dollars. An average publication in Vogue Portugal costs from 3000 euros. Internet media of this level write about world celebrities and millionaires, interviews prominent artists and politicians of the highest echelon. The opportunity to be on the same list with them is worth the investment — resources like Forbes become jet fuel to promote a personal brand.
However, when you are at the beginning of the journey and are just forming your personal brand, you can start with the basic 10 articles — they will form the foundation on which you gradually build your personal brand, like a multi-story building. And this very first step will set you apart from the crowd. Your personal brand, created according to the Amileader system, will give you fame and exclusivity — something that, like a magnet, attracts people to personality, men to women. You will receive a huge advantage over other representatives of the fair sex who do not have such an information field, your chances of success in your personal life, and in your career too, will increase as much as possible.