São Paulo Biennial Announces New Physical Exhibition –
As cultural institutions in parts of Brazil begin to reopen, the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo announced that it would stage a new in-person exhibition in November that is related to its larger group biennial show postponed until next fall.
The new show, titled “Vento” (“Wind” in English), will run from November 14 to December 13 at the biennial’s traditional home, the Pavilhão Ciccillo Matarazzo in São Paulo’s Parque do Ibirapuera. The exhibition will be free to the public but will require visitors to book tickets in advance.
“Vento” will feature a group of 21 artists, including 10 artists who have just been added to the biennial exhibition. They are Alice Shintani, Ana Adamović, Eleonore Koch, Gala Porras-Kim, Jacqueline Nova, Koki Tanaka, Luisa Cunha, Melvin Moti, Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi, and Paulo Nazareth, who will stage a streamed performance in the pavilion on November 13. Other artists included in “Vento” are Antonio Dias, Deana Lawson, Joan Jonas, León Ferrari, Jaider Esbell, Regina Silveira, and Ximena Garrido-Lecca.
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Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, the exhibition’s chief curator, said in a statement, “This exhibition functions as the index for this edition of the Bienal, in the sense that it points out some of the themes that will be expanded at the September 2021 exhibition, and at the same time refers to what has already happened, just as the index constitutes, in semiotics, a trail.”
Since the pandemic forced the world into lockdown, Visconti and his curatorial team have been ramping up their online offerings. On Friday, they also announced six other artists taking part in a digital initiative related to the exhibition, titled “A Bienal tá on” (The Bienal is on). They are Jaune Quick-to-see, Lydia Ourahmane, Naomi Rincon Gallardo, Sebastián Calfuqueo Aliste, Sung Tieu, and Uýra Sodoma.
Earlier this month, museums in São Paulo, like the Pinacoteca and the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), began to reopen their doors to the public with reduced capacity. The number of new coronavirus cases, however, is on the rise across Brazil, though it has not yet reached the peaks of the summer. In the state of São Paulo, the daily average of cases over the previous 7 days is around 4,500 (or 10 per 100,000); the state has reported a total of 1.1 million cases and over 39,000 deaths since the pandemic started, according to data compiled by the New York Times.
(Elsewhere in the world, museums in France and Germany, as well as in Brussels, began closing their doors as their respective countries began enforcing new lockdowns to stymie the ongoing second wave of Covid-19.)
José Olympio Pereira, an ARTnews Top 200 Collector and president of the biennial’s foundation, said in a statement, “The Bienal plays a substantial role in the cultural life of the city of São Paulo. … We are now holding this exhibition and reopening the Pavilion with the same intention—that of creating opportunities for us to be together, in a safe way, around artworks that can help us process, individually and collectively, the unique moment we are living.”
The full list of participating artists announced so far follows below.
Abel RodríguezAdrián BalsecaAlfredo JaarAlice ShintaniAna AdamovićAntonio DiasBeatriz Santiago MuñozCarmela GrossCarolina Maria de JesusClara IanniDaniel de PaulaDeana LawsonEdurne RubioEleonora FabiãoEleonore KochFrida OrupaboGala Porras-KimGiorgio MorandiGustavo CabocoHélio OiticicaJacqueline NovaJaider EsbellJaune Quick-to-See SmithJoan JonasJota MombaçaJuraci DóreaKoki TanakaLasar SegallLeón FerrariLuisa CunhaLydia OurahmaneLygia PapeManthia DiawaraMarinella SenatoreMelvin MotiMusa Michelle MattiuzziNaomi Rincón GallardoNeo MuyangaNoa EshkolPaulo NazarethPhilipp FleischmannRegina SilveiraSebastián Calfuqueo AlisteSung TieuTrajal HarrellUýra SodomaXimena Garrido-LeccaYuko MohriZina Saro-Wiwa