The LoveHome lumbar support cushion from Amazon fixed my back pain
Rachel Moskowitz
Published 3:56 PM EDT Sep 19, 2019
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It all started when I hurt my back as a teen. My first job at 16 years old was working at an Italian restaurant as a busser. I spent what seemed like all of my time there and eventually moved up to waitressing. I loved the people I worked with and I loved the job (though I could live without all of the food and wine stains on my clothes!). But if you’ve ever worked in the food industry, you know how hard it is. You have to remember orders, deal with cranky or stingy customers, and there’s a lot of physical labor involved.
I ended up working in various restaurants throughout high school and college. Between carrying huge crates for catering and massive trays of food, it really took a toll on me. My back in particular wasn’t happy and began to get irritated by the tiniest of tasks such as vacuuming or leaning over the sink to do dishes. Because I didn’t want to have back problems my whole life, I started going to physical therapy—and while it got significantly better, I still had to make sure I wasn’t pushing the limits with any activities that I did.
The product that changed it all
Nowadays, I have a full-time office job and it allows me to move at a much different pace. I spend hours sitting at a desk, hunkered down over a computer. Though there’s minimal physical activity involved, my desk job poses different risks to my back. For one, offices rarely have comfortable chairs. Though they might be comfortable on your tush, they tend to not be very supportive of your back.
I noticed this when I started my first 9-5 job. I was SO SORE after sitting at my desk all day. I thought to myself, “How does this make sense?! I’m not moving!” But this was exactly my problem. My back was so stiff from constantly sitting in one position with no support. I had to get a new chair or find some magical remedy that would cure the back pain, or I was not going to survive the 9-5 desk life.
I went to Amazon and started searching for back support pillows. There are tons, I’m not going to lie, but after seeing one of them with 2,700+ positive reviews, I pulled the trigger and bought it. I got the LoveHome Memory Foam Lumbar Support Back Cushion for a little over $25 and it was well worth it.
What I love about the LoveHome back support cushion
I was actually nervous to bring this little support cushion into work. Who am I having back problems, an 80 year old?! Thankfully, it blends in very subtly. It’s relatively small, black in color (although comes in many different colors), and easily clips around the back of your chair. It has adjustable straps so that you can fit it onto almost any chair. I was relieved that it was so straight-forward and I didn’t have to cause a spectacle to get it onto my chair.
Once it was in place, I completely forgot that it was even there—except I didn’t have pain anymore. I could sit at my desk for hours on my computer and my back felt like it was on a cloud. The memory foam molds to the curve of your back and provides tremendous relief. To my horror, however, my coworkers did ask about it. I explained to them how the uncomfortable chairs were causing me lower back pain and that this pillow helped alleviate that pain.
And guess what? THEY AGREED. They said they were having similar problems and asked me to share the Amazon link with them. By the end of the week, my coworker Kari had an identical support pillow (and Annie constantly borrowed it for her own use whenever Kari was out of the office!). Thinking back, I don’t know what I was so nervous about. They were so thankful that I shared my ‘uncomfortable chair hack’ with them that now, I share it with everyone.
Should you buy the LoveHome back cushion?
Honestly, yes. The LoveHome back cushion is such a simple-to-install and portable product that it made the transition to my current job super easy (non-supportive office chairs seem to be a trend everywhere!). It’s perfect for alleviating back pain in these uncomfortable office chairs, but that’s not the only situation you can use it in. Anytime you’re sitting all day—or at least for long periods of time—you’ll be happy you have this bad boy. It can provide support during long car rides (I like to bring mine on road trips) and it’s great to use if driving is part of your job description. My dad owns a trucking company and many of his truck drivers use this for their long hauls. Truly anyone can benefit from this product.
Get the LoveHome Memory Foam Lumbar Support Back Cushion on Amazon for $25.89
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