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The 10 best stocks to buy in September

The 10 best stocks to buy in September


The 10 best stocks to buy in September

Not to alarm you but you’re about to miss an important event. 

You see, renowned investor David Gardner and a select team of star stock analysts just revealed their best stocks to buy in September.

And I don’t know about you, but I always pay attention when one of the best growth investors in the world gives me a stock tip.

But please note: As of right now, you could miss out because you may not be on the list to receive these 10 best stocks to buy now.

You see, David Gardner only released these new recommendations to Motley Fool Stock Advisor members.

Lucky for you, it’s not too late to join, so I’m going to show you the simple steps to get on the list today.

But first, consider this:

If you read this note on June 7, 2002… when David recommended Marvel (years before it was acquired by Disney), you’d be up 7,399% today.

Or on May 21, 2004, when David first recommended Booking Holdings, you’d be up 8,090% today.

Or – more recently – on July 15, 2016… when the Stock Advisor team announced their recommendation of Shopify? In over a year, you’d be up 1,088%.

Now if you had invested just $1,000 in each of those stocks, you’d be sitting on $168,768 today.

And loyal Stock Advisor members who invested more did even better – a $5,000 investment in each of those ideas would be worth $843,839 today.

But there’s no need for me to cherry-pick returns here. It’s as simple as this…

The average stock pick in Motley Fool Stock Advisor is up 332%, while the S&P 500 during the same period is up just 86%.

In other words, Stock Advisor’s average pick has tripled the stock market’s return for more than a decade. That track record is remarkable in a world where most fund managers actually lose to the market.

Now, you can’t go back in time and invest in those stocks I mentioned earlier.

But you can join Stock Advisor and grab the definitive list of the 10 timely stock opportunities today.

In case you’re strapped for time, I just tested it myself and joining took less than two minutes.

Don’t miss out – click here now to get started.

Access the details behind Stock Advisor’s 10 Best Stocks to Buy in September

This is your chance to get in early on what could prove to be a very special investment recommendation.

Think about how many investing trends you’ve missed out on, even though you knew they were going to be big.

Don’t let that happen again. This is your chance to get in early.

I urge you to take action today so you can learn the time-tested tactics savvy investors are using to systematically build their wealth. Simply click here to get started.

Returns data as of Sep. 4, 2019. David Hanson owns shares of Shopify and Walt Disney. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Booking Holdings, Shopify, and Walt Disney. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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