Get an incredible deal on the Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle, and Kindle Unlimited
Courtney Campbell
Published 11:06 AM EDT Sep 20, 2019
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As an avid, but busy, reader, I take every chance I can to whip out a book—on the train, on planes, at the beach, and, most importantly, in my bed. But lugging around a 700-page novel can be exhausting, especially when you’re constantly pulling it out and can only spare a minute to read a few pages. That’s why I love my Kindle. It’s light and easy to carry around, plus I have a seemingly unlimited library, so I can switch between two or three books depending on what I’m in the mood for. Right now, you can get two of our favorite Kindle sat some of their lowest prices ever.
The Kindle Paperwhite, which is the best e-reader we’ve ever tested, is on sale for $90 for Prime members only. That’s $40 off and just $5 more than its Prime Day price. We’re obsessed with the incredible interface that almost makes you feel like you’re holding a real book, plus it’s been upgraded with twice the amount of storage and is now waterproof (a.k.a. you can read it in the bathtub).
If you want a more low-key Kindle, Prime members can also get the All-new Kindle for $25 off, bringing it down to $65 which is $5 more than its Prime Day price. This model isn’t as swanky as the Paperwhite and isn’t waterproof, but it’s still a good choice for the average reader with a 4GB capacity.
Even better, both of these deals come with three months of Kindle Unlimited for free, which is typically $9.99 a month. That’s basically an extra $30 in savings and gives you a ton of free books to choose from. The service gives you unlimited access to more than a million titles, magazines, and audio books on any device. If you decide to continue using it (I highly recommend it), then you’ll be charged after the third month, so be sure to cancel it otherwise. Psst—you can also get this free trial even without buying a Kindle.
Get the Kindle Paperwhite on Amazon for $89.99 (Save $40)
Get the All-new Kindle on Amazon for $64.99 (Save $25)
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Prices are accurate at the time this article was published, but may change over time.