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Chinese Club Implements Anti-Harassment Agreement for Male Guests Amid Social Media Debate

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Chinese Club Implements Anti-Harassment Agreement for Male Guests Amid Social Media Debate

In a novel approach to combat sexual harassment, a private club in southern China has introduced a policy requiring all male guests to sign an anti-harassment agreement, promising not to sexually harass female guests. This decision, reported by the South China Morning Post, follows complaints from women who experienced harassment at the club.

The club, known for its vibrant underground music scene, stated that it aims to maintain a healthy community without imposing unnecessary restrictions. However, the management believes this step is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for women.

The agreement stipulates that male guests avoid physical contact and verbal harassment with female strangers. Those who refuse to comply with these rules face being blacklisted and potential police involvement.

The club’s stance is straightforward: “If you’re the kind of people who love music, equality, and fraternity, you will find it cool to sign this.” The management added that men uncomfortable with signing the agreement are not welcome.

This initiative has stirred a significant response on social media, with mixed reactions. Some users applaud the club for its responsible approach, while others question the effectiveness of the agreement. There are also calls for a similar policy to be applied to female guests.

A social media user expressed skepticism: “It’s useless. Just because they sign a letter of agreement doesn’t mean they won’t violate the rule, right?” Another user argued for equal treatment: “The anti-harassment agreement should be applied to female guests too.”

China currently lacks specific laws or regulations on sexual harassment. Nonetheless, the Women’s Protection Law clearly defines sexual harassment and encourages women to report such incidents to the police.

This move by the club reflects a growing awareness and proactive stance on issues of sexual harassment in social settings. It highlights the ongoing debate over effective strategies to ensure safety and equality, not only in China but globally. The club’s policy could potentially serve as a model for other establishments seeking to create a safer environment for all patrons.

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